Critical Food Studies Seminar

University of the Western Cape , South Africa

Students in the Critical Food Studies: Transdisciplinary Humanities Approaches Programme share their work in progress: Rachel Botes of the University of Pretoria: working title 'The South African Milk tart - Origins and Originality' Sarita Ranchod of the University of the Western Cape: working title "Farmer’s markets, elites and ‘consuming local’: some explorations”

Critical Food Studies Seminar: V

University of the Western Cape , South Africa

The fifth of our intra-institutional seminars takes place on 20 September, 11-1.30pm A Closer look at Black South African Women’s Health behaviour and food consumption choices in light of the globalised, contemporary world we live in by, Khanyi Mjekula, UWC (Anthro/Soc) An exploration of Halal food branding semiotics and positioning in selected foodscapes in Cape...

CFS Seminar VI

We are looking forward to our honours students presentations:     South African Culinary tourism: what is on the menu? by Thando Mthimkulu, UP.   A social semiotic analysis of Linguistic Landscapes of Tuckshops in Eersteriver  by Jacina Januarie, UWC.   

CFS Seminar VII

This is the seventh and last in our seminars for 2019 with presentations from two of our honours students.   “From sustenance to touristic experience: The history of food in perspective” by Tracy Liebenberg “Reimagining Jane Austen’s rake figures through metaphors of food” by Taahirah Khatieb

Critical Food Studies Indaba

University of KwaZulu-Natal 238 Mazisi Kunene Road, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa


Towards decolonial transdisciplinary research: “The humanities in food studies”

A Mini-conference hosted by the Critical Food Studies Programme: Transdisciplinary Humanities Approaches Gender, Feminism and Food Studies Food Knowledges, Ecofeminism and Indigenous Knowledge Systems Consumer identities, Foodscapes and Food ways in Urban Contexts Foodways in relation to Literary, Visual and Popular Cultural Texts/ The Materiality of Food and its Visual Representation.
