University of Pretoria, Faculty of Humanities
2020 Postgraduate Scholarships: Critical Food Studies
This Mellon-funded programme explores the significance of food and the various ramifications of how food is produced and marketed.
Themes explored under this programme include:
- how food is culturally experienced viscerally, through taste, appetites and desires;
- the representation, branding and marketing of food in an increasingly food-focused commodity culture;
- the contextual meanings of gustatory “taste”; symbolic or imaginative representations of “good food”,“cooking” and cuisine in subject-formation;
- food consumption in struggles for agency, social prestige or cultural or social autonomy;
- the materiality of food and its visual representation in artwork, performance and popular culture.
We invite applications from students in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Preference will be given to previously disadvantaged groups.
Closing Date for applications is 15 October 2019
Applications should be submitted via this link: Applications
Enquiries ONLY: Heather Thuynsma – heather.thuynsma@up.ac.za
More information:
UP call – Critical Food Studies 2020
Critical Food Studies: Transdisciplinary Humanities Approaches: Intra Institutional Programme
Call for applications for 2020: Student Fellowships: Honors, Masters, PhD and Postdoctoral
The A W Mellon Foundation is funding several student fellowships in the broad field Critical Food Studies through a programme grant to the University of the Western Cape, running from 2019-2022. The programme addresses complex human relationships to food with reference to –
The four broad areas of focus are:
- Gender, Feminism and Food Studies;
- Food Knowledges, Ecofeminism and Indigenous Knowledge Systems;
- Consumer Identities, Foodscapes and Foodways in Urban Contexts;
- Foodways in relation to Literary, Visual and Popular Cultural Texts / The Materiality of Food and its Visual Representation.
Please follow the link for further information.
Deadline: 15 October 2019
Join us at our public engagement event for a panel discussion on:
Food, Pleasure and Poison in Cape Town: A Response to World Food Day
followed by a theatre performance entitled:
My Daily Bread
Magnet Theatre
19 October 2019
Event poster to read and share
Food is without doubt a social, cultural and political concern. Intricate forms of social identification are enacted through consuming food; food travels through fascinating geo-political routes; affective and emotional bonds are associated with eating, many food events and cooking. At the same time, our neo-liberal and post-millennial foodscape is a terrifying one: fastfood outlets sell food impervious to ageing; supermarkets promote foodstuffs saturated with GMOs and preservatives; the lives of millions are affected by rising prices for unsafe, unhealthy and unappetizing food items. So is our world of food today one marked only by tainted pleasure? Is it one that is irreversibly poised? Might it be a combination of both?
- Panel Discussion @ 16h30
- Play @ 19h00
Our interactive panel discussion will explore wide-ranging forms and meanings attached to food in urban and peri-urban environments. Much has been written about South Africans’ access to food, strategies for increasing food production and processes for distributing food justly. Far less has been said about the quality of the food we eat, how and why we derive pleasure from certain foods and not others, or what happens to our bodies and our psyches when the food we eat is legally and scientifically “poisoned”.
In the panel discussion, four speakers, well-known in their fields, explore the complex negative, positive and ambivalent meanings attached to food and eating in present-day South African urban contexts.
Speakers: Zayaan Khan, Angelo Fick, Ru Furusa, Haidee Swanby
• Chair: Desiree Lewis
The panel will be followed by a thought-provoking play, first performed at the Grahamstown National Arts Festival in July this year. “My Daily Bread” has been written, directed and performed by(untrained) black women students at UWC. The play will be followed by a discussion of the issues it raises.
Panel discussion and performance co-hosted by Auwal Socio-Economic Research Unit and the Critical Food Studies Programme Supported by the Centre of Excellence in Food Security (CFS),UWC and The Andrew M Mellon Foundation.
*Subscribe to our Instagram, Facebook or Twitter pages and keep abreast with our up coming events and calls.
Call for presentations:
Towards decolonial transdisciplinary research:
“The humanities in food studies”
A Mini-conference hosted by the Critical Food Studies Programme: Transdisciplinary Humanities Approaches
21 November 2019, Cape Town
We invite postgraduate students i.e. Honours, Masters and PhD students who are working on food-related research, to a postgraduate colloquium. The main purpose of the event is to encourage intimate conversations about individual students’ work-in-progress, as well as their engagement with areas of relevance to interdisciplinary food studies, namely feminist theoretical and methodological work and the diverse sources of knowledge about food.
*Subscribe to our Instagram, Facebook or Twitter pages and keep abreast with our up coming events and calls.